93000 students attend 38 faculties, while 11000 live in student dorms and frequent the student centre. Potential daily contact with the message exceeds 60 minutes.
Students are a target group of young people open to new experiences and ready to follow each novelty on the market. At this very moment they already have significant purchasing power, which will only increase over time when it comes to housing, clothes, food, sports, entertainment, culture, travel…
By advertising on faculty grounds you are investing into significant current and future income. The advertising message is delivered through posters in B1 format and accompanying flyer dispensers located in the entrance hall and hallways of faculty buildings, as well as student mess hall, cafés and student dorms. This is a day-time media located near point of sale, which complements advertising in public transportation exceptionally well.
Possibilities of promotion:
• Advertising on posters in hallways and classrooms
• Advertising thorough flyers and brochures
• Promoting products in entry halls of faculty buildings (tastings, sample distribution, preventive check-ups)
• Hang tags on bedroom doors in student dorms
We will quickly respond to your query and suggest a mode of communication with your target group. Tel: 01 4684 960 Email: info@b1-plakati.hr